Libby Maxey has a BA in English from Whitman College and an MA in medieval studies from Cornell University. She is a senior editor and poetry editor at the online journal Literary Mama, where she has been a member of the staff since 2012. Her poems have appeared in Mezzo Cammin, Crannóg, Stoneboat, The Maynard, and elsewhere. She was a winner of the 2021 Princemere Poetry Prize and the 2023 Helen Schaible International Sonnet Contest, and a Laureate’s Choice winner in the 2023 Maria W. Faust Sonnet Contest. She was also shortlisted for the 2023 Kim Bridgford Memorial Sonnet Prize. Her poetry chapbook, Kairos (2019), won the Finishing Line Press New Women’s Voices Contest. Her nonliterary activities include singing classical repertoire, mothering sons, and administering the Department of Classics at Amherst College.